Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Healthy Mind

Each of us is blessed with a healthy mind by Our God. However, most of the time the situation around us often put unhealthy things in our minds. For we can always have a healthy mind, Romans 12:2 says: Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God what is good and well pleasing and perfect.

Being smart is not enough for you and me; we also need to be more prudent. In the Proverbs there are 3 words that we are recommended to have always, namely knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Acquire knowledge is to obtain information about everything in this life. Understanding is how we analyze the information. While wisdom is how we solve problems that occur with the information that we have understood in advance. We need to ask for wisdom from God always, so we can solve the issue after issue in this life.

How we can get the wisdom of God? We must first experience the renewal of our minds, so that we can discern the will of God and what is not, to discriminate the perfect one and what is not, and what is not. How can we renew our minds? That is by loving the Word of God. The Word of God that will clean not only the heart but also our common sense. The Word of God is not only knowledge but we need to understand and apply in solving our problems in this life.

Are you willing to clean your mind by the Word of God? If you have common sense or in other words, the wisdom from God, then you have nothing to fear when facing a problem, because you will find the best solution in accordance with the will of God and the wisdom from God will lead you from success to success.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Empty Promises

There are a lot of promises offered by the world through advertising in mass media that promise happiness, wealth, fame, and others. However, soon we will realize that all these promises are empty promises. But our God is different. God brought 3 “empty promises” by the events of Easter, but soon we will know that the “empty promises” will bring the blessings in our lives. What “empty promises” God has given and fulfilled in our lives through Easter?

1. The empty cross
It indicates that our sins had been already forgiven. When Jesus cried out, “It is finished” Jesus had paid the penalty for our sins. He had replaced the punishment for us, so we do not have to endure such punishment. On the cross alone, Jesus presented a perfect sacrifice for us, so that we might obtain the blessing of forgiveness of sins.

2. The empty tomb
It indicates that Jesus had risen and victorious over death and give us the blessing of eternal life. Death has been defeated, so that death is no power over us. The empty tomb gives assurance of eternal life.

3. Empty shroud
Jesus left the death cloth stained with blood and replaced it with new clothes and then went to meet His disciples and allied with them. That He did the first time after he had risen. This indicates that by sloughing the cloth off, we again have the blessing of the new fellowship in Jesus, because that is what Jesus longs for.

Today, how do you respond to the three promises? Believe only in Him, because we have our faithful God who loves us.

Monday, May 3, 2010

iphone bible

Christian live based upon the bible, because we believe in the Holy Bible that we are called Christian. We can read Holy Bible in many different way, hard copy, soft copy on the computer, program on mobile phone, etc. Here is one great tools to help us read the Holy Bible on iphone, design to be simple and helpfull. see the full feature here :
